Robert Hudson
Metanoia University, London
Title: Treating the couple exploring the impact of sexual addiction and compulsive sexual behavior on the couples’ relationships and the wider family
Biography: Robert Hudson
Sexual addiction and compulsivity (SA&C) is a progressive intimacy disorder in which an individual cannot control his or her sexual impulses and/or actions.
The individual becomes so obsessed with sexual desires and behaviours that it negatively affects other areas of their lives, such as relationships, their children and careers. SA&C is commonly treated within the individual, however emerging research suggests that it is impacting the couple’s relationship and their children. Reports are suggesting that smart phones and internet communication can lead to relationship problems, conflicts, marital discord which ultimately impact on their children. The aim of this study was to investigate and explore the impact of SA&C on the couples’ relationships.
The study included 140 participants comprised of 79 men and 61 women. The study uses a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methodology
using grounded theory and an online survey. Individuals and couples with sexual problems who may not have come to clinical attention before are emerging as a result. This study provides information about the impact of sexual addiction on the couples’ relationships and that specialised sexual
addiction therapies are supporting some of their needs. Results revealed the complexity and demands of working with couples and their wider family who
have been impacted by SA&C. The implication of these findings for training, research and practice will be discussed.