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Renowned Speakers

Uqbah Bin Muhammad Iqbal

Uqbah Bin Muhammad Iqbal

Research for Social Advancement Malaysia

Gabrielle Gallo

Gabrielle Gallo

University of Southern California USA

Adele A. Webb

Adele A. Webb

Strategic Education, Inc. USA

Alphonsus O. Obayuwana

Alphonsus O. Obayuwana

Triple-H Project, LLC USA

Kalliopi Megari

Kalliopi Megari

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

Evian Gordon

Evian Gordon

Total Brain USA

Radu Mutihac

Radu Mutihac

University of Bucharest Romania

Maged El Setouhy

Maged El Setouhy

Ain Shams University Egypt

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Addiction Congress 2024

About Conference

Following a string of successful Addiction Congress editions in 2023, Organizing Committee joyfully extend an invitation to individuals worldwide to participate in the "13th World Congress on Addictive Disorders & Addiction Therapy," scheduled for October 24-25, 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland. Centered around the theme "Exploring Innovative Ideas and Remedies for Addictive Disorders," the conference will provide a global platform for researchers to discuss present and future challenges in various psychiatric and psychological disorders and related issues. Esteemed health professionals, clinicians, scientists, and researchers will share practical, clinical, and cutting-edge techniques based on widely accepted evidence, alongside presenting new and emerging research.
We are confident that Addiction Congress 2023 will serve as an outstanding platform for scientists and researchers to showcase their innovative research and foster collaboration among young researchers interested in Psychiatry & Psychology.
Our portfolio includes a series of 1000+ Global Events, comprising 1000+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in the USA, Europe, & Asia, with support from over 1000 scientific societies. Additionally, we publish 700+ Open Access Journals featuring over 50,000 eminent personalities and reputed scientists as editorial board members.
Importance & Scope:
Our primary objective is to make the Annual Congress on Addictive Disorders & Addiction Therapy a resounding success with world-class talks and discussions by leading Psychiatrists and Psychologists. With substantial support from renowned academicians in psychology and psychiatry, public health experts, mental health professionals, organizational staff, researchers, academic scholars, business experts, and psychiatry analysts, we are showcasing numerous exciting scholarly projects, including different panels, workshops, networking sessions, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by esteemed therapists worldwide, making our conference the premier choice among psychiatry conferences.
The role of addiction medicine is crucial in today's world. The increasing prevalence of addiction, along with the emergence of behavioral addictions, underscores the need to address addiction-related issues. The impact of addiction on individuals and society is significant, necessitating discussions on research directions and improving service provision at the international level. Sharing experiences across different regions can contribute to enhancing lives globally. This conference aims to bring together diverse professionals working in addiction medicine globally to facilitate the exchange of ideas and expertise enrichment.
Addiction Congress 2024 Conference Highlights include:
- Keynote sessions by eminent researchers
- Outstanding speaker sessions
- Active communication and networking with experts
- Abstract publication in respective international journals with DOI provided by Crossref
- Best Speaker and Poster Presentations
- Young Researcher Award Nominations
- International Workshops and Symposia on the latest trends
- Certification by the International Organizing Committee

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 24-25, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

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