Dr. Prapapun Chucharoen
Mahidol University
Prapapun Chucharoen has completed Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the age of 38 years from Mahidol University. She is the director of Master of Arts program in Addiction Studies, ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand. This is the only Master Program in addiction studies in Southeast Asia. This program aimed to create social leader/ practitioner in the field of addiction studies. Those who graduate from the program will be capable of practicing as well as conducting research in this discipline in order to support the social environment of a country with respect to the prevention and alleviation of narcotics and others addiction problems. The therapy and rehabilitation of addicts is also included in the curriculum. She has published more than 25 papers in journals and serving as an editorial board member of Journal of Public Health and Development Thailand.
Research Interest
Addiction Therapy